8 Misconceptions About Retinol! Misinformation Known About Retinol, Retinoids and Vitamin A! Things to Know Before Using Retinol!

If you're looking to add retinol to your skincare routine but are confused by what you've heard, read on!

I'm sure you've heard by now how legendary retinoids (vitamin A) are for the skin!

Why is vitamin A used on the skin?

First, let's make a small explanation, in fact, it is the general name of a large active group such as vitamin A, retinol, retinyl aldehyde, retinoid, tretonin, retinoic acid. All of them are eventually converted into vitamin A in the body. Those that transform faster are prescribed under the supervision of a doctor and fall into the drug class, these are: retinoic acid and i sotretinoin. The slower converts fall into the cosmetic class, these are retinol and retinol esters and adapalene. In this article we will be talking about cosmetic vitamin A, we will refer to this class in general as retinols.

It has been proven many times and over the years that retinols promote cellular regeneration, increase collagen and elastin synthesis, help treat acne, open wrinkles, and give the skin a youthful and lively glow in general because it creates new blood vessels. Because of these properties, we wouldn't say much if we call vitamin A and its derivatives the queen of skin care.

Of course, it is natural to hear false information and information circulating about such an effective content. Today we will tell you the truth about 8 misunderstood facts about Retinols.


One of the side effects seen when using retinol for the first time is skin peeling. Many people assume that their skin is thinning, but the opposite is true. Retinol actually helps thicken the skin, as it stimulates the skin's collagen and elastin production. In order to avoid peeling, you should start the product with retinol slowly and moisturize it abundantly.

2-Retinol makes sunspot:

Retinol is a substance that degrades in light and becomes less effective. For this reason, they are sold in opaque packaging and are recommended for use at night.
Extensive scientific studies have shown that they certainly do not increase the risk of sunspots. There are even studies showing that retinol repairs sun damage and spots. Regardless of the use of retinol, you should not skip using sunscreen regardless of the season.

3-High dose retinol is better:

Many people, when they see retinol at the end of the ingredient list, believe that there is no significant amount in the formula and therefore ineffective. The truth is, you don't need a high percentage of retinol. There are no studies showing that more than 0.5% retinol is more effective. Some studies even show that concentrations as low as 0.01% of retinol are effective.

4-Sensitive skin cannot use retinols:

This is because retinol is misunderstood as a "hard" ingredient. This is because they stimulate cell formation very quickly. You get visible results with retinol. People with sensitive skin can happily use it when they introduce retinol to their skin very slowly. Retinol is one of the best actives to strengthen sensitive skin.

It's best to start off cautiously with a once or twice-weekly application and stay hydrated profusely.

misconceptions about retinol

5- Young people should not use retinols.

Retinoids were actually substances used to treat acne until the 1980s.

A study from the 1980s showed the benefits of retinoids as they soften fine lines and lighten hyperpigmentation. After this date, it started to be used for cosmetic purposes.

There is no age limit for the use of retinol. Therefore, it can be used without age limit for skin problems.

6- If there is peeling or redness, you should stop using retinol.

Side effects of retinol can include dryness, tightness, peeling, and redness—especially if you didn't introduce retinol into your skin gradually when you first started. These side effects usually go away after two to four weeks. This is called the retinol acclimation period, after which these effects usually disappear. The next thing is to enjoy your image in the mirror.

7- Retinol is not applied around the eyes.

Many people think that the delicate eye area is too sensitive to use retinol. However, retinols are completely safe for the eye area. In this area where wrinkles are very evident, collagen and elastin stimulating effects of retinol can be utilized efficiently.

If you still have doubts about your eye area, you can apply an eye cream first and then a retinol serum.

8- Only vitamin A creams sold in pharmacies give results.

Perhaps you've seen a few over-the-counter vitamin A creams in your pharmacy that should only be prescribed by doctors, but in practice. Retinol and retinoids, the vitamin A derivatives available over the counter, work a little differently. It slows down the process of hyperkeratinization or overgrowth in the wall of the pores and desensitizes the skin to inflammation. Pharmacy creams, which work mostly to improve medical concerns, can overload your skin for cosmetic use. If you are not dealing with a medical problem, we recommend that you continue with Retinol or retinoids, the cosmetic type of vitamin A.

So, should you start using retinol?

If you want to treat wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, scarring, dull appearance and more or take preventive measures, you can start a product containing Retinol in your early 30s.

Although the 30s are generally recommended as the early 30s, since the body starts to produce less collagen; Depending on your lifestyle, how much sun damage your skin has received, and the quality of your skin, this age range may be lowered.

I hope this article has confirmed your misconceptions about vitamin A.

With the hope that you can get along with your skin and make it and yourself happy...

The secret of achieving a beautiful skin that shines with health is the right information about skin and skin care, with the right products, and stable skin care.

If you have more questions about the skin barrier, let us know on Instagram. (@evolvy.skincare) or by e-mail ( info@evolvy.co ) and send your questions.

On behalf of the Evolvy team

Pharmacist Evrim Damar Guest

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