How to Open Clogged Pores? How Do You Tighten Pores? Is Pore Shrinking Real?
Clogged pores is a long and comprehensive issue. Because everyone complains about pores and clogged pores are a headache for everyone. Clogged pores is a very general concept. We can include blackheads, sebaceous glands under the skin, milia, and even enlarged pores in this concept.
In this article, we will explain how these four phenomena look, how they occur, and how to resolve them.
What is a clogged pore?
Clogged pores, technically called “closed comedones,” are white dots just under the skin without any inflammation (in the absence of pain, mild swelling, redness, or infection). Skin that is not properly peeled (exfoliated or peeled) is clogged by hardened skin oil (sebum) and dead skin cells that fill the pore pit. The filled pores become clogged and eventually form a bulge.
Are clogged pores dangerous?
Closed comedones can remain under the skin for a long time if there is no inflammation (inflammation of closed comedones is acne formation). Since it's obviously harmless, your body doesn't have to work hard to get rid of closed comedones, so the pore can stay clogged for too long unless you use skin care products with special ingredients.
Can clogged pores become dangerous over time?
While clogged pores are normally harmless, they can be considered potentially dangerous. If oxygen does not enter the pore, the bacteria named P.acnes infects the area where that pore is and causes acne, that is, acne formation. In other words, acne is usually caused by the inflammation of clogged pores.
How to tighten or shrink pores?
Pores are small holes that connect hair follicles with air. They are located on the surface in the skin tissue, they do not have muscle connections. Because of this, they cannot make movements such as opening and closing, growing or shrinking, or getting stuck and sagging. They look big when they're full. They look smaller if you can purify them. The good news is that you can purify them with the right skin care habits and products. Thus, your pore appearance will be reduced and your skin will look purified, clean and flawless. In this article, we describe solutions according to your pore end. Please keep reading!
Problem 1: Clogged pores (closed comedones)
These white puffy bumps are real clogged pores. This person has an intense pore-clogging problem on his skin, luckily he hasn't gotten inflamed and acne yet. If you also see this type of swelling on your skin that is not white with a red circumference, continue reading our article.
Solution 1: How do I get rid of closed comedones (sebaceous glands)?
- Cleanse your skin without drying it: Make sure to clean your face morning and evening with an oil-based cleanser. The inside of closed comedones is hardened fat. Oil-based cleaner works with the logic of similar dissolves. Make-up products and sunscreen filters remove oil-based cleansers more effectively than water-based cleansers.
- Use skin tonic: Using skin toner every day after cleansing removes dead skin cells that are likely to clog into the pores. Apply the skin toner by wiping your skin with a cotton pad or a convertible make-up cloth. The remote spray method does not remove dead cells from the skin. Do a delete instead of this method.
- Exfoliate or exfoliate regularly: Regular exfoliation or exfoliation is important for everyone, but even more so if your pores are clogged. Part of what causes clogged pores to form is that dead skin cells clog inside the pore. If you do not exfoliate or peel , they somehow fall into the pores and accumulate. This disrupts the healthy oil flow of the skin. Therefore, chemical exfoliation, especially a few times a week, can help clear it up by bringing the blockage to the surface. To remove dead cells from the skin, complete this process with a light physical scrub once a week.
- Moisturize with water-based products: People with oily and combination skin usually avoid using moisturizers, but it is very important to moisturize the skin properly. Skin cells need water to live. Dehydrated skin cells die faster. This causes an increase of dead skin cells on the skin surface. If they are not properly removed from the skin surface, this means that there are more dead skin cells that will accumulate in the pores. Use a non-occlusive (non-comedogenic) moisturizer to provide plenty of water to the skin. Avoid heavy creams and oils.
- Avoid drying products: Anti-acne or oily skin-focused products generally work as drying. It may seem counterintuitive, but in the long run, increasing the dryness of the skin surface will cause more clogged pores. It would be in your best interest to avoid such products.
- Avoid heavy makeup as much as possible: While I believe wearing makeup is really good for the skin, using heavy, long-wearing foundation, cream blush, and primer will cause your pores to close faster.
Problem 2: Blackheads
A blackhead is technically a type of clogged pore, different from a sebaceous gland in that it has a clear blackish center. Here, the comedone is technically open, not closed. Instead of being trapped under the skin's surface, excess oil secretion within the pore is exposed to air, causing it to oxidize. The black image is actually oxidized oil.
Blackheads make many people unhappy, but I want you to know that it is normal to have some degree of blackheads. However, when it exceeds a certain density, they do not create an aesthetically pleasing image. Blackheads can easily disappear by following a proper skin care protocol.
The truth is, unfortunately, blackheads gradually reappear over time. For this reason, it is important to use the right products on a regular basis so that blackheads do not recur.
Solution 2: How to get rid of blackheads.
In addition to the methods to be applied in the solution section for closed comedones that I mentioned above, make sure to apply the following two methods.
- Use Salicylic Acid to Keep Pores Clean: For blackhead care, products containing salicylic acid (BHA) It's important to include it in your routine. Salicylic acid helps reduce the oil in your pores, preventing them from filling up so quickly. Make sure that the products do not dry the skin and do not contain alcohol.
- Prevent Oxidation of Oil Out of the Pore: Blackhead is oil that comes to the surface and oxidizes as a result of contact with open air. This oxidation causes blackheads to turn black. To combat this process and prevent the oil from oxidizing so quickly, use products containing antioxidants , for example, a natural toner or serum will work.
Problem 3: Enlarged pores
Apart from genetic factors, there are some factors that can cause the pores to enlarge.
- Excessive oil production: Oil and sweat expand the pore walls, causing them to stretch. This is why large pores tend to form in the nose and t-zone of your face.
- Hormonal changes: Pores often enlarge during the teenage years, which happens due to hormonal changes that trigger oil production. Excess oil can drain from the pores and expand the pore walls.
- Age: Pores will appear larger with age. This is due to the loss of elasticity and collagen that occurs naturally over time. When we lose some of this natural support, the pores go deeper into the face and may appear larger.
Solution 3: How do I get rid of enlarged pores?
You can follow the closed comedones and blackhead protocols we mentioned above to keep the inside of the pores clean. In addition, make sure to follow these two methods.
- Purify the inside of the pores and keep them clean: The key point here is that any pore reduction strategy is only effective if the inside of the pores are kept clean. As we mentioned, oil and sweat expand the pore walls. If there is hardened oil (sebum) trapped in the pore, it will enlarge the pore wall. Simply put, you can't shrink enlarged pores if there's something in them that keeps them tight. Daily tonic Its use and physical exfoliation twice a week is ideal for keeping the inside of the pores clean in the long run. Higher-end products are AHA . and serums with BHA .
- Topical Use of Vitamin A: One of the many benefits of vitamin A (retinol and retinoids) is that when used consistently, it shrinks pores and makes them appear smaller. The logic here is that vitamin A increases the production of elastin and collagen and supports the tissue around the pore, making it appear smaller. This in turn causes clogged pores and blackheads to have less space to fill the pore lining. You may also consider using a serum containing retinol for pores that appear larger with age.
Click to review the skin care routines and products we have created for this problem.
Problem 4: Milia
Milia form when keratin becomes trapped under the skin's surface. These mounds are generally more rounded than closed comedones and are usually whiter in color. It is normal to have milia around the eyes like in this picture, but they can also appear around the nose or on the cheeks. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly why milia occur, but the common belief is that it's a very oily eye cream, use of unsuitable comedogenic oil around the eyes, or sometimes it's just genetics.
Solution 4: How to get rid of milia.
Do not try to remove milia on your own. The skin over the protrusion is quite hard, and squeezing it will only damage the skin. Milia should be removed by a dermatologist or a specialist esthetician. Once removed, milia usually do not come back in the same pore.
We know you all want a quick fix, but unfortunately, that's not possible when it comes to clogged pores. Cleaning the pores and keeping them clean takes effort.
Removing the blockage takes patience and consistency. It may take several months to see real results. The good news is that once the pores are cleaned, it's much easier to keep them that way!